I belong to a private message board with about 20 amazing women on it. I see some of these girls in person maybe once every six weeks or so but I 'talk' to them online each and every day. Today one of the girls posted a subject entitled "Confessions" in which she shared she hadn't left the couch in two days. Another girl hadn't showered in three, a few girls had loads of laundry & dishes piled up. One has taken up World of Warcraft(much teasing ensued & then talk of worlds, Mr. T & guilds - I have no idea what that means).
Anyways, I did not share a confession because at the time I thought it was even too big for Father Libone up at St. Thomas (our parish).
My Confession is This: Our house is a wreck. No, even more so than usual.
It started with this: (even the garage is a mess!)
Jon found this top of the line LG Tromm Front Loader Dryer on super sale at Home Depot. Marked down from $1,200 to $409. We bought it instantly.
So then I said, "Hey, we never painted the laundry room. We should do that."
"And replace the trim," said Jon
"And replace the door to the garage - what is up with that freaky window?" said I.
And then Mack got sick. And then Jon.
So for the past two days, Jon & I have been taking turns sleeping, caring for Mack & (slowly) working on the laundry room.
And the area from our laundry room to the dining room looks like this:
On the plus side I did get my Christmas stuff down - of course there is still a broom in the corner.
I was craving chips and salsa and since it was half-time and the Cowgirls were losing 3-0 we headed up to Matt's Rancho Martinez.
JBB took it up a notch and we added some Bob Armstrong Dip to our chips. We realize this was first time with just the three of us out to dinner. Mack was not too impressed but give him about 4 years.
We got home just in time to see the Cowgirls score their one and only TD - 59 and a half minutes in to the game.
Yesterday my parents gave me some Dunkin Donuts coffee that they didn't care for but I happen to enjoy.
I went to make some this AM and noticed there was old coffee in the pot. Confession: Sometimes I don't clean the pot out right away-maybe I do it after work or the next morning when I go to prepare a new pot.
Then I realized that I haven't made coffee at home since my first week back at work. Folks, that was the week of September 1st.
Disgusted, I began to disassemble the coffee pot and nearly gagged when I pulled out the filter full of grinds and tons of new friends. (The black spot is a coffee bean - luckily no bugs - yet.) Needless to say, my coffee pot needs a couple cycles with some kind of cleaner (suggestions?) and definitely an all new filter. Thank goodness for Amazon - my new filter should be here in a few days.
Yesterday we had a crazy busy day & Mack was such a good baby. Even though he is a good baby about 97% of the time now Jon & I are always in disbelief because the colic was just that bad. I'm always scared it will turn back up and we'll be back at square one.
First we headed to BluDoor Studios where Mike & ReJana took our Christmas Card pictures. The backgrounds were so cool, I hope they can photoshop my double chin out so I can use pictures of all of us and not just Mack. Our session was smack in the middle of several of my friends so we got to see Trevor, Erin & Noah, Meredith, The Hoovers (including tiny T) and then Dianthe came up to see all the kiddos. You will have to wait to see the awesome Christmas Cards. I only ordered 50 so start buttering me up now to get one of these beauties.
Then we went to my parents. It was their 40th Anniversary (if you are not good at the numbers, they were married in 1969)! We had lunch with them and my younger sister Hannah. My parents hung out with Mack while JBB & I went to Costco where we spent like $200 on large quantities of soap, cheese and LaCroix(my new obsession). We also got a smokin' deal on an external hard drive.
Mack loved laying in the recliner with my dad. They watched my dad's favorite college football team, Tennessee, lose to Ole Miss.
We tried to take another picture of us dressed up in our Christmas Card finest but it didn't work out so well.
After our long afternoon we headed back to our humble abode, napped and then went to a party. Everyone doted on Mack and he gave out lots of smiles. This party had s'mores so it was easily the best party I have been to all year (and perhaps the only one I've been to all year since I was pregnant the first 6 months of '09).
My good friend Rebecca had my group of girlfriends from high school over a few weeks ago for yummy cheese tortellini soup, salad and chaos. We all brought along our kids, ranging in ages from in-utero to seven. We thought we'd gab while the kiddos played but that is not at all how it went down. Next time, Daddies will be on duty.
Anyways, I loved her cheese tortellini soup but I failed to ask for the recipe. I wanted this a few nights ago and decided to make up my own.
Here's my ingredients minus a diced onion, two diced celery stalks and some diced carrots. (I ended up doubling the Chicken Broth). Why are they still selling frozen food in boxes? Does anyone else think this is circa 1973? It makes me think the frozen food is really old. Those cheese torts are found in the frozen food section, too.
Directions - In a stock pot, melt 2-3TBLSP of butter and throw in your onions, carrots & celery (add some pepper). Let them sweat it out until soft. Dump the 2 Chicken broths, diced tomatoes and white beans into a stock pot, bring to a boil. Then add the box of spinach and bag of cheese torts. Boil for another 3 minutes or so and then let simmer for maybe 5-7 minutes. Taste test & add any seasonings you deem necessary - I added lots of black pepper (you will not need salt unless you prefer swollen ankles). Serve with crusty bread and Parmesan cheese on top. So, this makes a lot - we each took leftovers to lunch the next day and then I froze the rest. I would say you will have 8-10 servings. You could half this easily but I didn't have any gallon ziplocs to put the leftover spinich and tortellinis in.
Zach, Julie & James were in town over Halloween weekend. James has progressed from pinching Mack to poking him in the eye. We can't wait to see what happens when they are both mobile.
Mack is four months old today and has a slight cold so no picture. There weren't very many smiles today so I know he doesn't feel well - maybe tomorrow.
On Friday, 10/23 Mack giggled for the first time. Jon was talking to him while he laid on the changing table. Jon makes up all kinds of noises and songs and Mack just smiles and smiles. But this time he giggled. I was almost in tears it was so cute. I can't wait to get it on video.
On October 24, 2008 I had the day off of work. I can't remember exactly why - maybe a comp day or something? It was a Friday, that much I know for sure. I had returned from my annual Girl Trip a week earlier and hadn't felt myself. At first I thought it was altitude (we were in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina) - but we really weren't that high up. Then I thought it was just being around 11 other women for several days. That is a lot of women to be around.
The entire Girl Trip I pretty much felt like this: (actually that is me at a Corn Maze in North Carolina, "Sars of the Corn")
Anyways, we came home and I still felt bad. The best way to describe it was that I was just off, slightly. So on the 24th I was home alone and it finally dawned on me that I possibly could be pregnant. Possibly.
It had only been six months earlier that I was finally diagnosed with PCOS and endometriosis- which explained my weight gain, erratic cycles and skin breakouts. We were led to believe that it was going to take major effort to have a family. I had been on a few medicines that could help infertility and was scheduled to have surgery for the endometriosis in Nov. and then we would aggressively tackle the infertility or maybe we would just accept it and move on - we honestly hadn't decided.
So on October 24th, with Jon at school and still in my PJs, I ran up to Walgreen's to buy a home pregnancy test. I splurged and bought the name brand kind because you don't mess with something like the accuracy of a pregnancy test.
Imagine my surprise when two bright pink lines popped up in a few seconds. They couldn't be more bright, it was as if they were blaring their pink at me so that I wouldn't doubt it. At first I smiled and then I panicked. Jon and I hadn't seriously discussed having a family money-wise. We had no plans for daycare, had no clue how much insurance was. What about diapers? How much are those anyways - and where exactly do you buy them? A zillion questions flew through my mind as I called my mom. I secretly willed her not to answer. She didn't. Whew. I wasn't ready to admit this to anyone yet but I had to tell JBB.
I personally hate surprises - I want to know all the secrets before everyone else does so there was no way I was going to wait all day for JBB to come home and have some silly dinner with baby carrots, baby potatoes, etc. I called Jon & he didn't answer. I called the school and told them it was an emergency - he had to call me back ASAP. I couldn't wait ASAP so like all 21st Century relationships, I used text messaging for really important news.
"I'm pregnant" is all the text said and a few seconds later a nervous but very happy Jon called me back. We were thrilled and in shock at the same time.
I can't keep secrets so I called my sisters and then my best friend and then e-mailed my girl trip friends. We were able to wait a few days until Halloween to tell my parents.
"We have some scary news," we said at a church carnival. "We're having a baby!" They were ecstatic.
For Jon's parents we had to wait even longer, which was hard because we see them so often. Jon's brother and his wife were pregnant at the time and coming in town for baby showers. We wanted to wait until the showers were over to tell them.
"One last present - for Grandpa & Grammy Burns," we told them after all the guests had left. We turned on the DVD player and a little movie I made came on:
I can't believe it's been a year and that our baby is here with us. What a beginning to an amazing life journey.
I've only been using it for a few hours and it's like our house has been baptized
We put in this tile a few years ago and I probably should've picked a darker tile & grout, what with two large labs & all. Swiffers and Lysol just seemed to push the dirt into the ground. Not to mention that swiffers are expensive & not at all friendly to the environment.
With Mack I am even more aware of the chemicals in our home & in our bodies so I love that the steam is chemical free.
Here's a spot where the dogs like to lay down - I'm almost embarrassed to post this except for the dramatic results.
As some of you may know, Jon had back surgery yesterday (Oct. 15th). His back has always bothered him as long as I've known him but in May some dumb blonde of a mom (no offense to blondes and no offense to moms) at his school just HAD to have yearbooks to hand out at the 8th grade Farewell Party.
There are two things wrong with this story. First off, yearbooks - people still make these? I mean isn't that what Facebook basically is now? Except its better and you can constantly update it rather than be stuck in time wearing an I Love Lucy tie. Not that I know anyone who wore an I Love Lucy tie in their 8th grade year book picture.
The second thing wrong with this story is that there is even an 8th grade Farewell Party. Jon teaches at a lovely school in Highland Park but the middle schoolers still get recess! And a Farewell Party. Chances are they are all going to go to high school together and chances are even higher that they will see each other the next day at the Club (as in Country).
So anyways, Jon being the nice guy that he is, carries these boxes of yearbooks down the stairs for this mom and in exchange receives a herniated a disc.
With Mack's birth, he put off doing anything about it until right before school started back up when he tried some very expensive chiropractic treatments. He finally got an MRI which showed a 9mm herniation. The Dr. told us he starts operating if it's a 3-4mm herniation. He was amazed that Jon had gone so long with such pain.
So anyways, Jon is laid up (literally) and I am taking care of him for a few days. He is still super sore, I don't think he expected to unmobile (immobile?) for this long. He can't even hold Mack :( In fact, for 6 weeks, he can't even lift anything over 10lbs. (which Mack is, of course) or bend over. Basically, I will be Wonder Woman AND Super Woman - doing it all. If you feel sorry for me, please send me money for a chef, maid, laundress or dog care-taker.
Some people think boys aren't as fun to dress up as girls. I beg to differ. I love me some Etsy. If you haven't been to Etsy.com you are missing out on some of the neatest and dumbest items all in one online marketplace. I ordered this hat for Mack and I think he likes it.
Mack is now 3 months old! He weighs around 15lbs and loves to smile. He also loves to sing, especially with his Daddy. He is still a cuddler and loves his Papaw's shoulder. He is so patient and never gets annoyed with Libby. He loves to try to pick up things with his hands and is also trying to hold his bottle. He still loathes tummy time.
His plain white onesies don't fit anymore so this will have to do for now.
We cheered on the evil, I mean Medieval, Green Knight
Jon & I went to Medieval Times Dinner & Tournament last week. It's like going to the State Fair of Texas people watching-wise. Only better. Because there are people in costumes.
I took a lot of video and once I figure out iMovie I will put it together because there are some great clips that you do not want to miss out on. For now, I will leave you with a few pictures. Our Master of Ceremonies strongly resembled Weird Al Yankovic
Jon went to Granbury last night to hunt and canoe the river today with some friends. Last night I get the worst headache ever plus it's the first one I've had in over a year. Mack was a breeze, though. He did wake up at 3am which he hasn't done in weeks and after that my headache went away. We slept until 8:30am.
Mack napped from 10:30 - 1:30pm and during that time Libby had a seizure, which was almost as bad as seeing Mack in the ER. We have this medicine for her 'just in case' and I administered it orally when it was supposed to be given rectally. Only Jon knew the directions but I was in such a hurry I didn't call him until after the seizure. Two calls to the vet later & she should be okay. Can you imagine if I had to take a seizing dog and an infant to the vet? There'd be no way.
Mack wakes up from his nap with his adorable smiles and we get ready to go see my parents in Grapevine. I load up the car and all the tons of things we may or may not need (most likely won't need) and I get into the car. While mentally making plans for my lunch (Chik-Fil-A nuggets and a Diet Coke sound so good), I turn the ignition and nothing. My car is dead.
It's only 3pm, people! I've still got at least 7 hours to go and Jon is unreachable at this point because they are on the river. Did I mention I am helping host a baby shower tomorrow and I've yet to go to the grocery store? There may not be any Champagne Punch if I can't get there until late after they stop selling alcohol.
Everyday I rush (cursing the traffic) to get home. While I love my job and the people I work with, nothing compares to my little family. Sorry 'bout it.
On the note of traffic, I have recently formed this theory that the older & more beat up the car, the worse the driver. My afternoon drive yesterday completely proved my theory was fact. Until this AM when some wannabe Trophy Wife in a BMW was going 12 in a school zone. Twelve! I'm all for safety first but seriously?
Back to me - I rush home everyday and scoop up Mack to give him hugs and kisses. By the time I get home around 5:30 he is ready for a cat nap. This is my favorite part of the day. We crawl into my bed or the guest bed and face each other on our sides. Sometimes Mack nurses and sometimes he doesn't but we alway look into each other's eyes until we both fall asleep.
About 30 minutes later we are both up - Mack with a smile on his face and moving and grooving his arms and legs.
Here's a picture I took yesterday during our cat nap with my iPhone. Jon said that is Mack's best outfit because 1. It is sleeveless and we all know how sweet sleeveless shirts are. 2. It is Home Depot Orange and 3. There is a Brown Bear on it and Kimber is our Brown Bear.
Once the ER nurses got Mack's IV in, they cover it up like J.P. Prewitt's hand in Zoolander. It was sad but cute when Mack would raise his left hand to try to suck on it and couldn't.