Friday, October 16, 2009

World's Best Candy Striper

As some of you may know, Jon had back surgery yesterday (Oct. 15th). His back has always bothered him as long as I've known him but in May some dumb blonde of a mom (no offense to blondes and no offense to moms) at his school just HAD to have yearbooks to hand out at the 8th grade Farewell Party.

There are two things wrong with this story. First off, yearbooks - people still make these? I mean isn't that what Facebook basically is now? Except its better and you can constantly update it rather than be stuck in time wearing an I Love Lucy tie. Not that I know anyone who wore an I Love Lucy tie in their 8th grade year book picture.

The second thing wrong with this story is that there is even an 8th grade Farewell Party. Jon teaches at a lovely school in Highland Park but the middle schoolers still get recess! And a Farewell Party. Chances are they are all going to go to high school together and chances are even higher that they will see each other the next day at the Club (as in Country).

So anyways, Jon being the nice guy that he is, carries these boxes of yearbooks down the stairs for this mom and in exchange receives a herniated a disc.

With Mack's birth, he put off doing anything about it until right before school started back up when he tried some very expensive chiropractic treatments. He finally got an MRI which showed a 9mm herniation. The Dr. told us he starts operating if it's a 3-4mm herniation. He was amazed that Jon had gone so long with such pain.

So anyways, Jon is laid up (literally) and I am taking care of him for a few days. He is still super sore, I don't think he expected to unmobile (immobile?) for this long. He can't even hold Mack :( In fact, for 6 weeks, he can't even lift anything over 10lbs. (which Mack is, of course) or bend over. Basically, I will be Wonder Woman AND Super Woman - doing it all. If you feel sorry for me, please send me money for a chef, maid, laundress or dog care-taker.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Get well soon JBB!!! :)